Love Letter to the Malay Mail
Last week (15 September 2021) we had a pleasant surprise. A family friend sent us an article from the Malay Mail online reviewing some of our cakes. They quietly ordered several of our slices from Beep and after sampling our cakes decided that we were sufficiently good enough to write a review for their readers.
Triple C – my mouth waters seeing this picture! Hitam Manis – love how they captured the delicious pulut 5 Shades of Chocolate Puteri Jendol – such a beauty
It really made our day as it was clear that the food writer tried and enjoyed the cakes we make. What got me excited was how she described some of our flavours and it was obvious that she understood who we were as a desserterie.
Lee Kang Yi – thanks so much for writing about us. We are humbled and grateful for your dedication to your craft. If ever you want to try anything else we make, feel free to reach out and we will gladly love your input.